Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pieces of Pattern

I don't like knitting from patterns.
There, I said it. I know this seems counter-intuitive to being a knitter, but it's true.  Sometimes my tendency to stray from patterns comes back to bite me, but I just can't help myself.  I like to knit "freelance" style.  I don't even think that is really a term, but I like it.
Maybe that's what separates an "art" from a "craft".  We can follow other people's patterns to make exactly what they did, or we can innovate from the artist within.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to talk down "crafters" or anything, but there is some slight shift somewhere that takes something from everyday kitsch to a work of art.  Maybe I'm really a "modern" thinker, I don't know.
I have been straying far from the pattern path lately to try a new design that is completely intuitive.  I call it the "Pieces Scarf" in honor of my new blog.

This is just a trial.  I used pieces of different patterns to make each strand, then sewed parts of the strands together.
Strand 1:  Just a long strand of stockinette stitch 8 stitches across
Strand 2:  I used a pattern for a lace edge and interrupted my strand of stockinette with a lace edge.
Strand 3:  I stuck with a garter stitch for this one and used increasing and decreasing to make random leaf-like shapes.
Strand 4:  I threw in a bit of color and knit a purple/red strand using a simple lace pattern for the whole strand. 

I don't think I would combine these patterns together again, but, like I said, this was a trial.  I had a lot of fun with the gray strand because it was so random and I like the shapes!

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